
How To Block An Iphone When Stolen

If such a nuisance happened to you and your iPhone or iPad was stolen from you, then you need to act immediately to block it remotely.

How to block the iPhone via iCloud

1. Go to and log in with the Apple ID that was used on the device.
2. Open Find iPhone.

Top right: "Find iPhone" function on

3. From the drop-down list at the top, select your iPhone.

Note: If the dot indicating the location of your iPhone is green, it means the device is connected to the network. If the dot is gray, it means that the device is disconnected from the Internet and has not connected to it for more than 24 hours.
4. In the window that appears, click on the "Lost Mode" and enter the password to block their iPhone. Even if the password was not previously set, this function will set it remotely.

5. You can also erase all data from the iPhone by clicking on the corresponding icon, but after erasing iPhone data  It will be impossible to detect on the map and track its location, so use this as a last resort.

How to secure the iPhone before theft

1. Make sure the "find my iPhone" feature is enabled in iOS → iCloud settings. When the iPhone is stolen, it is already too late to do something if you have disabled this feature of its remote search.

2. Make sure that the Last Location feature is enabled in the same window. It will automatically send your iPhone to a geoposition of your iPhone when the battery is critically low, so even if the iPhone is disconnected by the kidnappers, within 24 hours after the loss, you can still see its latest location on

3. Make sure you know the password for your Apple ID. Unfortunately, very often users do not think about it, and at a critical moment they can't remember the email and password used at all. If you cannot remember your Apple ID password, you can change it on the Apple website, provided that you also remember the answers to security questions.

4. Use the device lock password or the Touch ID feature, which allows you to protect your iPhone with a fingerprint. If your iPhone is lost, no one can access its content without this password. Lock password can be enabled via Settings → Password → Password protection → Enable password.

In the same section, below you can activate the function "Erase data, after 10 unsuccessful attempts to enter a password".

What do we do in case of loss of a bank card? Call your bank and ask the operator to block the card in order to avoid loss of funds. After that, it turns into a useless piece of plastic - the lock acts effectively. Is it possible to block the iPhone if it is lost? Yes, such an opportunity really exists, if you use iCloud and its service "Find iPhone" for this. Let's see what to do in case of theft of a smartphone or its loss.

How to block the iPhone if it was stolen? Here you need to hope that you know how to use your smartphone and are familiar with its rich functionality. Therefore, we first talk about the preparation of the iPhone. Apple has done everything possible to provide users with the opportunity to find a lost or stolen iPhone. But this requires a preliminary preparation of the gadget.

So, in order to block the iPhone in case of its loss, we need remote access to this device. Setting up access is carried out when you first turn on the smartphone - go to the settings, go to the iCloud section and enter the Apple ID there. If you do not have an account, register it in the same box. After that, enter the login information in the login box. Congratulations, you now have a key to access all Apple services.

If necessary, you can register an Apple ID account using a computer, go to the Apple website and fill out the appropriate form. As soon as you turn on the machine for the first time, enter the received data into it.

After you have entered your Apple ID, select the "Find iPhone" function - move the corresponding checkbox so that it turns green. Next, activate the checkbox "Last geoposition" so that you can quickly find the latest location of your smartphone. Now everything is ready for detection and remote blocking in case of theft or loss of the device.

How to block the iPhone if it was stolen? To do this, do the following - pick up another iOS device (with your Apple ID) and install the Find iPhone application on it. That it will assist in blocking and finding the phone. Going into the application, you will see a map that will indicate the location of the lost or stolen device. If the dot glows green, then the iPhone is online.

You can not call your own number in case of theft or loss of the iPhone - so you can provoke the attacker to turn off the device, which will lead to loss of access.

So, how to block the iPhone if it was stolen? We turn to the most important - to remote blocking. To do this, you need to activate the loss mode in the application. After that, a message is displayed on the device screen, which is entered in the appropriate field. Here we can write the phrase "Please, if you find my phone, call the number XXX-XX-XX" or "This phone is lost - contact the address of such and such." If you managed to lose your smartphone, then it can return (or may not return) with the help of the specified data.

If you know for sure that the smartphone was stolen, you can enter your personal data in the message and ask to return the device for money. Please note that a locked smartphone will prompt for a password.. An attacker can enter there anything and specify any passwords - only the correct password set by the user will work.

The password of the loss mode is a four-digit number - try not to use easily guessed combinations. Devices with a fingerprint scanner are unlocked by their own touch - the iPhone does not respond to the fingerprint of the attacker.

Block iphone through iCloud is very easy - the attacker or the person who found your personal smartphone will just have to admire the message you left. If at the time of blocking the device was not connected to the Internet, the blocking will necessarily be activated at the first connection. Also, you can track the location of the lost device. If you find that it is near you, you can activate the beeping.

Don't you have another iOS device on hand? Then you can block iPhone via iCloud using any computer connected to the Internet. To do this, go to the iCloud website, enter your Apple ID and activate the mode of loss. Here you will see a map with the current location (or last location) of your device. I.e, the site's functionality fully repeats the functionality of the Find iPhone application..

What if the time goes on, and no one returns the smartphone? Suddenly important or confidential data remained on the iPhone? In this case, you can remove the lock and perform a remote wipe of data - all important files, photos and videos, as well as credit and debit card data will be deleted immediately. However, you will lose the ability to track the location of your device.

Do not delete the device from your account after remotely erasing data - this will remove the activation lock, after which the attacker who stole your smartphone will be able to reactivate and use the device as if nothing had happened.

Please note that as soon as you activate the "Find iPhone" function on your smartphone, it will activate the activation lock. What does this mean? Even if the attacker ignores the message on the screen asking to return the smartphone, and tries to perform a recovery or flashing (in order to activate with another Apple ID), then it will fail - the developers claim that it is almost impossible to bypass the activation lock. Therefore, we recommend enabling the "Find iPhone" feature immediately after purchasing the device.

You also need to not forget that this functionality works via the Internet, so your iPhone must be connected to the network - take care of this in advance. The function "Find iPhone" allows you to quite successfully find the lost and stolen devices, but still it does not hurt to file an application for theft to the police

An attacker could steal an iPhone on which the "Find iPhone" feature is not activated. In this case, a statement to the police will be another opportunity to return the stolen device (if the police agree to accept the statement).

They are forced to upset you, but most likely you will fail and you will not be able to use this phone. After all, the protection of smartphones and tablets Apple is at the very high level. Moreover, in your case Activation Lock is activated, which is activated when using the "Find iPhone" function. Read more about this in our article.

How to unlock the found iPhone

Without a password from the iCloud account of the owner of the phone - no way. You shouldn't have inserted your SIM card into the phone you found, because the phone could have been stolen before you found it. And the owner could write a statement to the police.

Instead, it was worth trying to contact the owner of the iPhone. But, in your case, as I understand it, this is no longer possible - you have no information about the owner.

The only option that you have, if you can't find the owner, is to sell the device "for parts". Of course, in this case, the cost of the phone will be far from the cost of a working iPhone.

Please note: there are websites on the Internet that offer to unlock any iPhone. Naturally, not free. It is not recommended for you to try to use their services, because with a high probability you will be left without money, and blocking from the phone will not disappear anywhere. After all, there is no way around it, at least for today.

If you have any questions or need additional comments - write in the comments on this page, we will be happy to help you!

Actually the situation is standard. Someone for drunk or for the occurrence of sunstroke in the head or as an option of nearby man from the moonlit night and beautiful boobs of girls. Well, I'm from the person who found an iphone   trying to understand. What to do?

What should the person who found him do in such a situation? Or how would you do ?!

Found an iPhone and ...

took to the police

2 (2.0 % )

left to myself

6 (6.1 % )

put back in place

2 (2.0 % )

turned on and waited for the owner to call

84 (84.8 % )

sold without thinking

3 (3.0 % )

smashed with a hammer, videotaped = popularity

2 (2.0 % )

Actually, in this story I want to understand what ordinary and not very fellow bloggers would do. Take it to the police itself is not an option. Who can guarantee that the police will not assign him? Those. in fact, our credibility with the police is low. keep an option is not bad, but there is a nuance. ind-my-device / A device can be detected if a smart user has activated a couple of non-tricky features on it.

From the point of view of the iPhone owner, everything looks like this:

Theoretically, the phone and its new owner can be found by the IMEI number (a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to each mobile device). With each telephone call, this number is communicated to the telecom operator, it is recorded by it, and with a special desire can be detected. Practically not sure that this is realizable. I doubt that the operator will conduct a search at your request and, having found a new owner, will inform you of his data. If only at the request of the authorities, which also need to be able to interest. Still need to take into account that the new owner of the phone is most likely not a thief, but the one who bought the stolen, perhaps without knowing it.

There is also (also theoretical) the opportunity to catch the thief immediately after the theft. Provided that the thief did not immediately turn off the phone and did not throw out your SIM card (which a reasonable thief would have done), you can call the phone and use the operator's technical equipment to determine its location accurate to the cell (in a city it is within 1-3 km). I heard that the investigating authorities (again, when interested) sometimes use it (for example, when an important person steals a car with a mobile phone inside or kidnaps this most important person with a mobile phone in his pocket, to detect it, they can cordon off a whole area of ​​the city; of course the mobile phone itself is not worth the effort).

And, finally, if the thief is stupid, and made a phone call to his friend with the help of your stolen SIM card, you can calculate it by simply requesting call detail from your SIM card. If you want to use this feature, you should not block a stolen SIM card.

They say that there are cases when the owner of a stolen mobile phone stumbles upon his former apparatus  in the market where they try to resell it. By IMEI or serial number, you can find out your phone number for sure, after which you can invite the police to apprehend dealers (a statement about the theft needs to be written and issued in advance).

This is all I started in order to tell my mother-in-law how to proceed.
And then you know, I found it in my pocket ... It's not good that a comrade grandmother is doing (well, for whom is a grandmother, and for whom is the mother-in-law ... bring ammunition like a son)

Well, if such a case - if your friends, acquaintances lost their iPhone this week, leave comments, maybe your iPhone will be searched

Likes, reposts, retweets welcome!

Like many other gadgets, Apple smartphones often become prey to rogues. Probably, many owners of the "apple" apparatus know that in such a situation it can be "secured". This article is intended to explain in a simple and understandable way how to block the "iPhone" if it was stolen.

Apple Ways

You can block this smartphone in two ways: via iCloud and imei.

How to block the "iPhone" through the cloud storage

To block, you need to log in to iCloud and authorize using AppleID (the number that is on the stolen gadget and at the same time identifies it). After that, you need to open "Find iPhone" and choose from your smartphone. Then it will be possible to determine on the map where the device is located in this moment. If the device's icon is green, it will indicate that it is still connected to the network. When the indicator can be sure that the device is disconnected from the Internet for more than a day. Now you need to open the "Lost Mode" menu and set a password. And then block the lost or stolen iPhone. It is worth noting that, in addition to this, you can erase absolutely all the data stored on your smartphone using the special option. But you need to remember that after such an operation the device will not be displayed on the map, therefore this service should be used only as a last resort.

How to block the stolen "IPhone" by IMEI

Now it is worth considering the second issue related to special code. But all in order. The answer to the question of how to block a stolen "iPhone 5" is quite simple. Almost all users of this smartphone  they know that each device has its own unique code that identifies it among other devices around the world. Blocking a gadget by this number should prevent the criminal from using it. It is worth saying that it is practically impossible to carry out our plans, since there are a number of legal and technical procedures. But still this option is worth considering. After the theft of the device, you need to write. It is worth saying that they will not immediately react to it, since they practically have no time to request the mobile operators, but they may well be asked to leave imei and serial number.

So, if we assume that the police will search for him, we will consider this process in more detail and try to figure out how to block the iPhone if it was stolen. First of all, law enforcement agencies will make a request to the cellular operator for the left imei. Mobile companies provide authorities with all the necessary data. Including what card is now at the specified imei, as well as a phone number. If the device disappeared with a person, the search is performed by direction finding using two towers. mobile communications. Then we find the "iPhone", if it was stolen. It would not be superfluous to say that this method  good enough because it allows you to detect a smartphone within a radius of one hundred meters and at a height of 10 to 15 meters. The process is extremely simple: first, two or more towers are measured by time, then the distance between the towers is measured. After that, it is monitored which of the devices was close enough at the last moment.

Other ways to find the Apple smartphone

You can use a few more ways to block the "IPhone", if it was stolen. Some people have access to the database of the company Apple, which allows them to find the SIM-card number by imei-code. After that, the person gets the opportunity to install a Mac address. At a time when the attacker will enter the Internet, you will be able to find out its location. If it also activates GPS, then using the Find My Phone program it can be detected with an accuracy of five meters. Finally, if a thief visited through a stolen vehicle social networks, it will be possible to find out his name and surname, which will also allow to find him.

How to find a smartphone, if the function "Find iPhone" is disabled

Sometimes it happens that the owner of the device does not include a function to search for their device. In this case, finding it with the help of this program will not succeed with all the desire. There is only one thing left: to protect the data in it. To do this, you need to do four simple steps:

Change apple password  ID id. After this operation, access to iCloud, as well as iMessage and iTunes will not be available to the thief.
. Correct all the login information on the sites on which the user is registered.
. Report the missing device to the police and provide the required data.
. Notify your mobile operator about the theft or loss of the gadget to disable account. This will guarantee that the attacker will not be able to send text messages from the device, make calls and perform other actions with it.


According to the results of this article, we can say that ways to block "iPhone", if it was stolen, or to find this device, there is quite a lot. But, of course, the surest option here is to try not to fall into a situation where a smartphone can be stolen or its loss will occur. You should not put it in the outer pockets of the jacket, as well as in the back compartments of jeans or an open bag, since it would not be difficult for an intruder to pull him out. And, of course, you need to constantly ensure that the gadget was always in place.

How To Block An Iphone When Stolen


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